# Project configuration

Retype will read the retype.yml file for additional instructions on how to configure and build your project.

The retype.yml file is typically placed in the root of your project, although it can be placed elsewhere. Please ensure the input and output paths are correct if moved to a different location.

The retype.yml file is actually optional (not required), but is recommended as you will almost certainly want to customize some options, so adding a retype.yml is a good first step.

If you run the command retype start and do not have a retype.yml project configuration file within the root of your project, Retype will auto-generate a simple retype.yml file for your project. You can then edit the file to customize your project.

You can also explicitly have Retype generate a retype.yml file by running the command retype init.

The following sample demonstrates a common set of project configuration options and everything can be customized to your requirements.

Sample retype.yml
input: .
output: .retype
url: example.com # Add your website address here
  title: Project Name
  label: Docs
  - text: Getting Started
    link: https://retype.com/guides/getting-started/
  copyright: "© Copyright . All rights reserved."

# branding

Branding configuration for your Retype generated website.

# title

The main text title added to the upper-left corner of the generated website.

The title can be used in conjunction with logo and logoDark. If a title and logo are configured, both will be added to the website. If only a title is configured, only the text title is used. If only a logo and/or logoDark are configured, only the logos are used.

Set the website title
  title: Example.com

The above title would create the following branding title in the upper-left corner of the generated website.

# label

Optional logo label text. Default is Docs.

Set a custom label
  label: Docs

The label is rendered as the following label in the upper-left corner of the generated website, to the right of the title or logo.

One of the following:

  1. The path to a logo file relative to the input, or
  2. An inline <svg> logo

Default is null.

Set a custom label
  logo: static/logo.png

# logoDark

One of the following:

  1. The path to a logo file (dark mode) relative to the input, or
  2. An inline <svg> logo

Default is null.

Set a custom label
  logo: static/logo.png
  logoDark: static/logo-dark.png

# logoAlign

Set a logo image alignment relative to the title. Supported values include left and right.

Default is left.

  logo: static/logo.png
  logoAlign: right

# colors

Custom color configuration.

# label.text

Set a custom label text color". Default is "#1f7aff".

      text: "#ffffff"

# label.background

Set a custom label background color. Default is "#e1edff".

      background: "#ff0000"

# cache

Cache configuration options.

# busting

Cache busting configuration for the website resources. Helps to ensure a loaded page refers to the most recent JavaScript and CSS resources.

Specifies the approach Retype will use for cache invalidation.

Strategy Description
none Cache invalidation is disabled.
path Cache invalidation is achieved by concatinating the file name with a version token.
query Cache invalidation is achieved by adding a query parameter with a version token value.

Default is query.

  strategy: query

Below are demo URLs generated for corresponding cache.busting.strategy options:

strategy: none
<script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/js/retype.js" />
strategy: path
<script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/js/retype.v1.10.js" />
strategy: query
<script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/js/retype.js?v=1.10" />

An optional unique token used for website resource cache invalidation.

  • If specified, the provided value is used for all invalidatable resources as is.
  • If not specified, the default token having the following structure is used: {Retype version}.{total milliseconds elapsed since 2000-01-01}

# cname

By default, if the url is set, Retype will automatically generate a CNAME file. This can be disabled by setting cname: false.

Disable CNAME file generation
cname: false

If you do want a CNAME file generated, but for some reason require a value different than what the url creates, you can explicitly set instruct Retype to generate the CNAME with a different value.

This would be a highly unusual scenario, but Retype does allow you to configure these values separately, just in case you need it. We HIGHLY recommend that you just stick with setting the url.

Custom CNAME file value
cname: docs.example.com

# edit

The edit config allows for enabling and customization of the Edit this page links on content pages.

# repo

The repository URL where the source files for this project are located.

Setting a repo value will enable the Edit this page links on all content pages.

  repo: "https://github.com/<your-organization>/<your-repo>/"

It is also possible to configure the links to point directly to the /edit/ view of the page:

  repo: "https://github.com/<your-organization>/<your-repo>/edit/"

# base

An optional base path to a directory within the repository.

The base can be configured with an optional path to a directory within the repo.

The following sample demonstrates how edit.base would be configured if the .md source files for this project are stored within the /src/docs sub-directory within the repo.

  repo: "https://github.com/your-organization/your-repo"
  base: /src/docs

The final Edit this page URL constructed by Retype for the sample above would be https://github.com/your-organization/your-repo/blob/main/src/docs/your-page.md.

# branch

Point to a custom branch within the repo. Default is main.

  repo: "https://github.com/your-organization/your-repo"
  branch: master

# label

A custom label for the link. Default is "Edit this page".

  repo: "https://github.com/your-organization/your-repo"
  label: Edit on GitHub

# editor

Custom configuration to control the page live editor functionality that is only available when retype start is running.

# enabled

To enable or disable the live editor. Default is true.

Set to false to disable and hide the live editor.

  enabled: false # Default is true

# exclude

Retype can exclude files or folders from being built or copied to the output by configuring an exclude list within your projects retype.yml file.

Exclude patterns are similar to allowable patterns within a .gitignore file. The wildcards ?, *, **, and ! are supported.

The following sample demonstrates how to exclude an entire draft/ folder, any folder that ends with *_temp/, and one specific /src/temp.md file.

Exclude patterns
  - "draft/"
  - "*_temp/"
  - "/src/temp.md"

You could exclude everything in your project with by adding exclude: [ * ].

To explicitly include any files or folders that might have been excluded, please see the include config.

# favicon

A custom path to a .ico or .png file to be used as the favicon. Default is null.

The path is relative to the input.

Favicon is stored in the /static folder
favicon: static/favicon.png

By default, Retype will look for a favicon.ico or favicon.png within the root of the input. The favicon config would typically only be used if you want to store the favicon file in a subfolder of the output root.

# footer

# copyright

Site-wide copyright statement that will be added to the footer of each page. Supports Markdown syntax and `` variable.

  copyright: "© Copyright . [Example, Inc.](https://example.com/) All rights reserved."

# links (footer)

The footer.links have the same configuration options as links.

    - text: License
      link: license.md

# generator

# directoryIndex

Configuration options to instruct Retype on how and when to deal with the default directory index files, such as index.html.

# directoryIndex.altNames

A list of file names to treat as default HTML files.

By default, Retype will treat all of the following files as default pages if they are within a folder.

      - index.html
      - index.htm
      - default.html
      - default.htm

If you have a default.htm file within a folder and do not want it to be treated as a default page, then set altNames to the following:

      - index.html

# directoryIndex.append

Specifies if the default document file name should be appended to resolved URLs. By default, Retype does not append the default file name.

If false, the generated link will be /guide/. If true, the generated link will be /guides/index.html.

    append: true # default is false

Using append: true in combination with the search.preload config allows for offline file system browsing of your generated website without having to install Retype and start a web server using retype start. The following sample demonstrates how to configure:

  preload: true

    append: true

# directoryIndex.name

The default HTML document file name generated by Retype.

    name: default.htm # Default is index.html

# paths

Configures url kind preference for resolved urls. Supported values: source, relative, and root.

Option Description
relative Link paths are constructed using relative paths. Example: ../../guide/introduction/. This is the default.
root Link paths are constructed using paths resolving to the website root. Example: /guide/introduction/
source Link paths are constructed using paths resolving to the source file root.
  paths: relative

# recase

Instructs Retype on how to recase the project file and folder names created by the author. Default is all.

By default, Retype will recase all the generated file and folder names to all lowercase.

Option Description
all Covert all file and folder names in the generated output to all lowercase. This is the default.
none Do not change the case of any file or folder names.

To have Retype NOT change the casing of any of your file or folder names, set recase to none.

  recase: none

# trailingSlash

By setting trailingSlash: false in the project config, authors can instruct Retype to remove (or not add) the trailing / character when constructing links from paths to Markdown files.

For example, if you have a simple link in your project to [Example](/guide/example.md), Retype will create the link as /guide/example/. By setting trailingSlash: false in your project, Retype would then create the link as /guide/example.

It is best practice to include the trailing slash and by default, Retype will automatically add the trailing slash to links that are missing.

  trailingSlash: false # default is true

# include

Retype can explicitly include files or folders that might have been excluded by default or excluded within the exclude config.

Include patterns are similar to allowable patterns within a .gitignore file. The wildcards ?, *, **, and ! are supported.

The following sample demonstrates how to include all .py files, all .js files that start with the name demo, and the entire contents of any www folder within the project.

Include patterns
  - "*.py"
  - "demo*.js"
  - "**/www/**"

You could explicitly include everything in your project with include: [ "*" ], but be careful as all files within your input will be publicly availble once your website is published. We would not recommend doing this, but it's your call. 😨

Retype treats all .md and .yml files as parsable content files that will be converted into .html files and are not copied over to the output. All other included file types would be copied straight across to the output unchanged and become static files that can be linked to.

By default, if Retype discovers any of the following file types, they will be automatically included and copied over to the output unchanged. If you require any other file types, they would need to be explicitly added to the include config.

File types that are automatically included:

  1. *.ai
  2. *.bmp
  3. *.eps
  4. *.gif
  5. *.heif
  6. *.htm
  7. *.html
  8. *.jpeg
  9. *.jpg
  10. *.pdf
  11. *.png
  12. *.svg
  13. *.tiff
  14. *.txt
  15. *.webp
  16. *.zip

By default, if Retype discovers any of the following folders anywhere within the project, the folder and its entire contents will be copied over to the output unchanged. If you require any other folders, please add to the include config.

Included folders:

  1. **/static/**
  2. **/public/**
  3. **/assets/**
  4. **/resources/**

If you would rather not include certain folders, files, or file types, please add the pattern to the exclude config.

# input

Custom path to the input directory. Default is ..

The path is relative to the retype.yml location.

Change input location to /src folder
input: ./src

# integrations

More integrations will be added over time. Do you have an integration suggestion? let us know.

# googleAnalytics

Add Google Analytics to your website.

Google Analytics ID value.

    id: <id>

Replace the <id> with your Google Analytics measurement id. For example:

    id: A-BCDEFGHIJ1

# googleTagManager

Add the Google Tag Manager to your website.

Google Tag manager ID value.

    id: <id>

Replace the <id> with your Google Tag Manager measurement id.

# gravatar

Specific setting to control Retype integration with the Gravatar profile picture service and used by the page.authors configuration.

# gravatar.default

The default profile image to return from Gravatar queries whenever no image is assigned to the queried email address. Default value is mp.

Either a full URL to the image can be configured or one of the options listed below:

Value Sample
404 Broken image
mp (default)
blank Blank image

Please see the Default Image documentation on the Gravatar website.

# gravatar.enabled

Whether Retype should use Gravatar to pull profile images. Default is true.

Setting to false will show the default image or specified resource.

# plausible

Plausible.io is a simple and privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative which can be integrated easily into Retype generated websites.

# plausible.domain

When you setup your project within Plausible, you enter a Domain value which is then used to set the integrations.plausible.domain config within your retype.yml project configuration file.

    domain: <string>

Plausible can also send statistics to multiple dashboards by configuring a comma-separated list of domains. For example:

    domain: domain1.com,domain2.com,subdomain.yourdomain.com

Check out the Plausible documentation for more details.

# plausible.host

The Plausible service can be self-hosted and your Retype project can be configured to use your custom host.

    host: <string>

A typical host project configuration would look like the following sample:

    host: plausible.example.com

If no transfer protocol is supplied, Retype will default the host value to use https.

All of the following sample host values are supported:

host: example.com
host: docs.example.com
host: https://example.com
host: http://example.com
host: example.com/js/plausible.js
host: docs.example.com/js/plausible.js

# links

Custom links added to the top-bar navigation of all pages.

The following sample demonstrates a basic links scenario which would add one link to the top bar of all pages.

  - text: Getting Started
    link: https://retype.com/getting_started/

# text

The link text label.

  - text: Demos
    link: https://demo.example.com/

# link

The URL to use for the link. The link can be a .md file name, or to any internal path, or to any external URL.

If a .md file set, such as sample.md, Retype will automatically resolve the path and in the generated website, the sample.md value will be replaced with the path to the actual generated HTML file.

  - text: About us
    link: /about/

# icon

An icon to use with the link. Default is null.

  - text: Issues
    link: https://github.com/retypeapp/retype/issues/
    icon: bug

Options include using an Octicon name, Emoji shortcode, <svg> element, or a path to an image file.

icon: rocket
Emoji shortcode
icon: ":rocket:"
SVG element
icon: <svg>...</svg>
icon: ../static/rocket.png

# iconAlign

The position for the icon relative to the link text. Either left or right. Default is left.

  - text: Demos
    link: https://demo.example.com/
    icon: link-external
    iconAlign: right

# target

Sets the target attribute of the hyperlink and specifies which window or tab to open the link into.

  - text: Demos
    link: https://demo.example.com/
    target: blank

If no target is configured, the link will open in the current tab.

The target can be set to any value, although blank is common and will open the link in a new tab. Retype will automatically transform the value blank into _blank which is the actual value required by the browser to indicate that a hyperlink should be opened in a new tab.

There are several other values that may be prefixed with an _ character, including self, parent, and top. The following table demonstrates some common scenarios and naming convention used by Retype to normalize the target values.

Config target value Runtime target value
blank _blank
parent _parent
top _top
self _self
news1 news1
nEWs2 news2
recent NEWS recent-news

# locale

The value of the locale config defines the primary language that will be used on the generated website. Retype will generate the website using system messages and labels in this language.

This flexibility makes your application more versatile and accessible to users from different languages. Currently, 24 languages are supported by Retype.

You can switch the locale to any other supported language by providing the corresponding ISO language code as listed below.

Default is en.

The following sample demonstrates switching the project to use French.

locale: fr

# Supported Languages

Code Language Native name
ar Arabic العربية
da Danish Dansk
de German Deutsch
en default English English
es Spanish Español
fi Finnish Suomalainen
fr French Français
hi Hindi हिन्दी
hu Hungarian Magyar
hy as of v3.1 Armenian (Hayeren) Հայերեն
it Italian Italiano
ja Japanese 日本語
kn as of v3.1 Kannada ಕನ್ನಡ
ko Korean 한국어
nl Dutch Nederlands
no Norwegian Norsk
pt Portuguese Português
pt-BR Brazilian Portuguese Portuguese do Brasil
ro Romanian Română
ru Russian Русский
sa as of v3.1 Sankrit (Saṁskṛtam) संस्कृतम्
sv Swedish Svenska
ta Tamil தமிழ்
te as of v3.1 Telugu తెలుగు
th Thai ไทย
tr Turkish Türkçe
vi Vietnamese Tiếng Việt
zh Chinese 中文

# markdown

Markdown configuration options.

# lineBreaks

Switches between soft and hard line break modes. The option instructs Retype in what way a regular line ending should be handled.

  • in soft mode, regular line breaks are processed as soft breaks (no <br /> is emitted to HTML markup), unless a line contains 2+ spaces before a line break.
  • in hard mode, regular line breaks are always emitted as <br /> HTML elements.

Default is soft.

  lineBreaks: soft # or, hard

# meta

Project wide meta tag configuration options.

# title

Common site-wide suffix appended to the html <title> element of all pages. Default is null.

Append this string to all page meta tag titles
  title: " | Example.com - Widgets for the internet"

Using the sample above, if we had an About us page, the final <title> would be:

<title>About us | Example.com - Widgets for the internet</title>

# outbound

This config is Retype PRO only.

The outbound configuration gives you the flexibility to customize the behavior of outbound links in your Retype project. It allows you to control which links are treated as outbound, where they open, what icon is used, and even exclude or include specific domains. For instance, example.com.

The outbound functionality will be automatically enabled for Retype Pro project. For projects that do not have a Retype Pro license, the outbound configuration and functionality is ignored.

If outbound is enabled, Retype will find all external (outbound) links within the project, add a trailing icon, and set the link to open in a new tab when clicked.

# enabled

Controls whether the outbound links feature is enabled.

The default is true for Retype Pro projects.

The following sample demonstrates disabling the outbound functionality:

  enabled: false

# custom

Provides a way to specify custom attributes to be added to the outbound links. The default value is empty/null.

The following sample demonstrates how to add the attribute rel="noopener noreferrer" to all outbound links:

  custom: 'rel="noopener noreferrer"'

# icon

Defines the icon to be used for outbound links and accepts all the same options as the links.icon config. The default value is link-external .

  icon: link-external

If you would prefer to keep the outbound functionality enabled, but not include the icon, please set icon: "". The following sample demonstrates:

  icon: ""

# iconAlign

Determines the alignment of the icon for outbound links and accepts the same options as the links.iconAlign config. Acceptable values are right or left. The default value is right.

  iconAlign: right

# target

Specifies the target attribute for the outbound links. The default value of "blank" opens the link in a new window or tab.

  target: blank

# exclude

A list of outbound link patterns to be excluded from being captured by the Retype outbound functionality. This is useful if you do not want certain links to open in new tabs.

This configuration accepts similar path patterns as the exclude config.

The following sample demonstrates excluding all links pointing to example.com.

    - example.com

Please also see outbound.include.

# include

A list of outbound link patterns to be included for the Retype outbound functionality. This is useful if you only want certain links to open in new tabs. The default value of * includes all links.

This configuration accepts similar path patterns as the include config.

The following sample demonstrates including only links that point to example.com.

    - example.com

If any item is added to the include list, by default, all other paths will be excluded. Please also see outbound.exclude.

# output

Custom path to the output directory. Default is .retype.

The path is relative to the retype.yml location.

Change output location to /docs folder
output: ./docs

# poweredByRetype

This config is Retype PRO only.

Controls whether to include or exclude the Powered by Retype branding.

With a Retype Pro license, the Powered by Retype branding can be removed by setting to false.

poweredByRetype: true # Set to `false` to remove.

# search

Customization of the website search component.

# hotkeys

Keyboard key to set the cursor focus into the search field. Default is k.

The following sample demonstrates how to change the search hotkey to use / instead of the default k:

    - "/"

# maxResults

Max number of search results to render. Default is 20.

  maxResults: 20

# minChars

Min number of characters required in a search query. Default is 2.

The following sample demonstrates how to configure search.minChars with a new value:

  minChars: 3

# mode

The search index creation mode. Default is full.

Mode Description
full A full-text search index of the project content is made. Includes all headings and all text content.
partial All headings plus the first paragraph under each heading is used to create the search index. The Page description config is also included if not empty.
basic All headings plus only the first paragraph of each page is used to create the search index. The Page description config is also included if not empty.

The following sample demonstrates how to configure search.mode with a new value:

  mode: partial

# noResultsFoundMsg

Message rendered when no results were found. Default is "Sorry, no results found.".

  noResultsFoundMsg: Sorry, no results found.

# placeholder

Placeholder text rendered on the search component. Default is "Search".

  placeholder: Search

# preload

Specifies if the search index should be preloaded. Default is false.

  preload: true # Default is false

Using preload: true in combination with the generator.directoryIndex.append config allows for offline file system browsing of your generated website without having to install Retype and start a web server using retype start. The following sample demonstrates how to configure:

  preload: true

    append: true

# serve

Custom configuration for the built in Retype development web server.

# host

Serve the website from this host location. Default is localhost.


By default, the Retype development web server will serve from http://localhost:5000, although the port could be dynamically assigned if port 5000 is already in use.

A custom port value can also be assigned.


A custom --host value can also be passed as an argument to the retype start and retype serve commands. If included, the --host value will override the host set within your retype.yml project configuration file.

retype start --host              # serve from a custom host
retype start --host --port 5005  # serve from a custom host and port

# port

A custom port for the internal Retype development web server to use when hosting locally. Default is 5000.

  port: 5005

If the default port is already being used by another service, Retype will auto-increment the port number until it finds an open port to host from.

If a custom port is explicitly configured in the retype.yml and if that port is already being used by another service, Retype will write a message to the console and exit. In that scenario, because the port was explicitly configured, Retype will not attempt to auto-increment.

A custom --port value can also be passed as an argument to the retype start and retype serve commands. If included, the --port value will override the port set within your retype.yml project configuration file.

retype start --port 5005  # serve from a custom port

# watch

Custom configuration for the retype serve and retype start commands.

# watch.mode

During retype start and retype serve, the mode configuration instructs the web server on where to host files from.

If memory, the entire website is built and then stored in memory during development with no files being written to disk.

If disk, the entire website is built and written to disk, then the web server will host those files from their disk location.

Default is memory.

Mode Description
memory No output files are written to a disk. Retype serves a website from the in-memory storage.
disk Output files are written to the output directory, and updated with each incremental build accordingly.
    mode: disk

The command retype build will always build and write all files to disk. The memory configuration is not an option with retype build. The Retype GitHub Action uses retype build. The command retype start is only to be used during local development and not on a live production web server.

# watch.polling

Instructs the local web server on how it should listen for file changes.

If false, the native filesystem event listeners are used to monitor for file changes.

If true, Retype will poll for file changes within your projects input directory. By default, the polling interval is 1000 milliseconds (1 second).

The poll interval is configurable by setting a number value. For instance, setting polling: 500 would configure a 500ms interval.

Default is false.

Polling Description
false Use native filesystem event listeners to receive file change notifications the project input directory.
true Poll the input directory for changes every 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
number Poll the input directory in milliseconds.
    polling: true

# watch.validation

Configure how thorough Retype is while looking for changed files.

Default value is optimal.

Validation Description
fast Compare file system metadata only (reported file size and last modification time).
full Perform full SHA2 comparison on every tracked file.
optimal Compare file system metadata and, for every file with changes, perform SHA2 comparison.

# snippets

The snippets configuration allows for the project with custom configuration of code block formatting, including the project wide enabling of line numbering.

# lineNumbers

A list of code block reference language strings to enable line numbering on. Default is null.

Enable line numbering for js and json code blocks site wide
    - js
    - json

Configuring the "*" wildcard will enable line numbering for all code block types, including code blocks with no explicit reference language.

Enable line numbering for all code blocks site wide
    - *

Enabling line numbering site wide on code blocks with no explicit reference language is configured with the none "none" specifier.

Enable line numbering for all unspecified code blocks site wide
    - none

# start

The start config contains project options that apply during the retype start CLI command.

# open

Set to false to instruct Retype to not open the default web browser when the command retype start is run. By default, Retype will open a web browser when retype start is run.

The default is true.

The following sample demonstrates how to prevent the default web browser from opening during retype start:

  open: false

Using the CLI command retype start -n or retype start --no-open will also prevent the default web browser from being opened.

# templating

Configurations to control the Retype content templating engine for this project.

# enabled

A project-wide option to enable or disable the Retype content templating engine. Default is true.

  enabled: true # Set to false to disable

The templating engine can also be disabled on a per-page basis by setting templating: false in the page metadata.

# liquid

Specifies if Liquid syntax {% ... %} is enabled. If liquid: true is set, Retype is incompatible with GitBook style of component configuration.

Default is false.

  liquid: false # Set to true to enable

# url

The base URL of your website.

url: example.com

The url can also be a subdomain.

url: docs.example.com

If you deploy your Retype generated website into the subfolder of another website, add the subfolder in the url. For example, if the website will be available at https://example.com/docs, add that docs folder name to the url.

url: example.com/docs

If no protocol is supplied, such as https or http, Retype will assume https. A protocol can be explicitly defined by passing in the url.

url: http://example.com/docs/

Another common scenario for setting a url is when using GitHub Pages without a custom CNAME.

For instance, if your GitHub organization was CompanyX and your repo was named docs, the URL to your GitHub Pages hosted website would be https://companyx.github.io/docs/.

Retype needs to know where your website will be hosted, so the url configuration for the above scenario would be:

url: companyx.github.io/docs

# Additional options

Option Type Default value Description
api object API reference doc generation
api.input string Path to a project file or a project directory
api.output string ./api Custom path to the API output directory. Relative to output